Sometimes Sportlynx emails (like those for roles) are listed publicly on organizations' websites. Spammers then scrape/harvest them and send email to those roles' SportLynx email addresses. Those then are delivered to the users who are in the roles.
We are very active in policing these types of emails and in addition to using commercial Spam rating systems and black lists (Spam Assassin), we maintain our own proprietary blacklists and Spam scoring algorithms.
If you report the email as Spam using your email provider's mechanisms, it will flag your account as undeliverable, and you won't receive other emails from us.
That's why we've provided a SportLynx tool for reporting Spam emails, right at the top of the emails you receive from us:
The yellow box at the top of the emails has a link you can click to report the email as Spam. We will receive the report and take appropriate action very quickly.
So if you receive an email from a SportLynx account that looks like Spam, just click that reporting link in the yellow box, and we will take care of it.
Happy Reporting!
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