Lynxbox provides a typical drives and folders structure for storing and organizing files, much like your typical Windows or Mac files and folders. It's a great way to store, organize, access, and share files and documents related to your sports activities.
Typical Reasons and Ways to Use Lynxbox
Team Managers can use it to store and share team documents, handbooks, templates, etc. They can then share them with their team, either emailing the files or links to the files to their colleagues, parents, players, and coaches.
Registrars, can use it to manage registration files. Field coordinators might store permits and other important documents. Board members might store meeting minutes, legal documents, and organizational documents. Lynxbox has many uses.
For a walk-through on how to access your Lynxbox, click here.
Drives are the top level of file organization in Lynxbox. You cannot create new drives, or delete drives. Drives are assigned to you based on permissions you have with the organizations you belong to (except "My Personal Files", which you get as soon as you sign up with SportLynx).
Every user has their own personal drive, "My Personal Files", Teams have their own team drive (named for their team, eg. "The Unicorns"), and clubs and leagues have their own organization drive, named for their organization (eg. "LA County Soccer Club").
You will always have your own personal drive. In addition, you will also have access to view and modify drives for teams and organizations, depending on your role and membership in those organizations.
The icon shown for each drive depends on what kind of drive it is. My Personal Files has a icon, teams have a icon, and clubs and leagues have a icon.
Inside of each drive, you can create folders for organizing your files. You can also create folders inside of folders, and so on, to any level of organization that you want. You can add files to any folder you want. To upload a file, just click the upload button and add files to the folder.
Uploading files is easy. Go to any folder in Lynxbox, and you will see a button for uploading files to that folder. In the image above, you can see there is a button that says "Upload to 'Team Documents'". Clicking that button will open a dialog like this:
Here, you can either drag the file into the Select File(s) box or you can browse to files on your computer by clicking on the center box to bring up a file selection dialog box.
Once you've selected files to upload, their names will be show in the dialog:
Now you can add some tags to these files. Tags make it easy to assign keywords to files that you can then search and group by later. You can add as many tags as you want.
Once you click Ok, your files will be uploaded and added to the folder, with the tags you've assigned to them.
And that's all you need to know about organizing files in Lynxbox. Pretty easy - drives, folders, files and tags. Have fun!
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