You can close or open a site at any time. Closing a site means that all the facilities in it are unavailable for use.
How to Close or Open a Site
Step 1: Login to your Sportlynx account, and from the dashboard, click on your organization's drop-down menu.
Step 2: From the drop-down list, click on "Sites & Facilities."
Step 3: In the search field on the top of your screen, enter any desired site you want to close or open. Let's assume, you want to close or open "Pinewood Park" site.
Step 4: Click on the search icon adjacent to the search box. The searched field will appear on your screen.
Step 5: Click on its name of the site.
Step 6: On the following screen, click on "Edit".
Step 7: Use the toggle button to open or close the site. Here we'll close the open site.
Step 8: Now, click on the "Save" button.
Step 9: You will see the changed status, from Open to Closed, as in this example.
The closed site will appear like this in the list:
Wherever that site is shown in the SportLynx system, users will see it's Open/Close status.
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